Session 9

Applying Lean Thinking to the Knowledge environment – Part 1

Okay, let’s reflect! Knowing what we know now, let’s learn how Lean Thinking can apply to the knowledge environment, by studying lessons from The Lean Product Development Guidebook.

  1. Complete the pre-session study.
  2. As a group, share how you began to create flow with your personal and project tasks.
  3. Participate in a round-table group discussion where we share our key takeaways.
  4. Facilitator will assign post-session activity to be completed after group discussion.
  • A copy of this form will be emailed to you so you can print it and bring it to the group discussion.
  • Superintendents? How do you identify and prioritize your daily tasks to ensure you’re working on what is most critical?
  • PMs? Coordinators? How do you determine project capacity, and match that to your daily resource limitations?
  • Leaders? Managers? How do you ensure your team is situated for success and can be their most productive each and every day?